Embark on a journey of discovery with Summer Isles Sea Kayaking, where the remote and enchanting coastlines of The Summer Isles, Ullapool, Assynt, and the vast expanse beyond beckon adventurers and nature enthusiasts alike. Under the experienced guidance of Jules and her team, who bring a wealth of local knowledge and passion for the natural world, guests are invited to explore the untouched beauty of Scotland’s northwest highlands from the unique perspective of a kayak.

Adventure Awaits

At Summer Isles Sea Kayaking, every journey on the water is an opportunity to connect deeply with nature. Whether you’re gliding through the clear waters for the first time or you’re a seasoned kayaker looking to challenge yourself further, the team is dedicated to crafting an experience that’s just right for you. With daily trips and the flexibility to accommodate last-minute bookings, an unforgettable adventure is always within reach.

Safety and Experience at the Forefront

Safety is paramount in all endeavours undertaken by Summer Isles Sea Kayaking. The team’s meticulous approach to trip planning, equipment selection, and training ensures that every participant can explore with confidence. Leveraging years of coaching and guiding experience, they strive to provide not just a trip, but a comprehensive kayaking experience that prioritizes your well-being.

Tailored Kayaking Journeys

  • Half-Day Excursions: Perfect for those looking for a brief adventure, these 3-hour tours are priced at £65 for adults and £55 for under 18s, available both in the morning and afternoon.
  • Full-Day Adventures: For a more extensive exploration, full-day trips last 6 hours and are priced at £85 for adults and £65 for under 18s, taking you deeper into the wilderness that Scotland has to offer.

Discover the Summer Isles and Beyond

From the majestic Summer Isles to the rugged coastlines of Assynt, the regions explored by Summer Isles Sea Kayaking are teeming with wildlife, including otters, seals, and puffins, against a backdrop of dramatic cliffs and serene beaches. Each location offers something unique, from the solitude of Achiltibuie to the awe-inspiring sea stacks near Lochinver.

What’s Included

Every trip with Summer Isles Sea Kayaking is comprehensively equipped with high-quality kayaks and gear, ensuring comfort and safety. Additionally, participants are treated to hot drinks and homemade delights courtesy of the Achiltibuie Gardens, making each journey as enjoyable on the shore as it is on the water.

Lodge-Based Holidays and Courses

For those looking for an extended kayaking holiday, Summer Isles Sea Kayaking offers lodge-based holidays that combine the thrill of kayaking with the comfort of luxury accommodation and locally-sourced cuisine. Additionally, courses are available for kayakers at all levels to refine their skills and deepen their connection with the sea.

In a region as rich and diverse as the northwest highlands of Scotland, Summer Isles Sea Kayaking stands out as your guide to the extraordinary. Whether you’re drawn to the tranquillity of sea kayaking, the excitement of wildlife spotting, or the allure of Scotland’s natural beauty, a journey with Summer Isles Sea Kayaking is an invitation to experience the wild in comfort and safety.

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